
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wooden Chalkboard Tags

I am starting to think of my planning my daughters next birthday party and I wanted fun drink cups that I could use for the party and after.  I  was visiting my friend who lives in an area where there is a Hobby Lobby and we went shopping.  I have never been to Hobby Lobby, but have heard of the store so I was excited to go.  While strolling down the numerous isles, I found these very cute wooden tags and bought a couple of packs.  I had already purchases mason jar straw lids from Decor Steals with party cups in mind.  I also bought some chalkboard paint for the wooden tags.

I laid out the wooden tags and started to paint.

After the tags had dried I covered them in chalk and wiped off.

The next step was to cut some twine I had in my office and attach the tags to blue Mason jars.  I ploppped in a colorful paper straw and wrote on the tags---Love Them!
I also picked up a insert for mason jar lids that makes the jar a vase for flowers.

Here are the two different kinds of lids:

Here they are ready for the Party!

Can't wait for the next Party!

Linking up with:{nifty+thrifty+things}%29


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the tags and the jars. So pretty.

  2. What a quick and easy project! Thanx for sharing at THT.

  3. These turned out so cute. Your arrangement of your finished jars is so pretty. Should be a great party.
    Have a great weekend,

  4. These are very cute and best of all...THRIFTY! Thanks so much for sharing them at my party...I am going to feature them at my party on Monday.

