
Friday, December 27, 2013

MMS Tricycle Red Farm desk/table

Once again I was at one of my local thrift stores and came across a  small table/desk.  It had seen better days, but I knew it could be beautiful again.

The top needed some TLC!
I wanted to keep the top wood and was picturing red in my head.  Out came my sander and the dust started to fly!  After sanding I waxed the top with AS dark wax and love the buttery feel.

I painted the legs and sides with Miss Mustard Seed Tricycle Red milk paint---LOVE it!

 I got out my scraper and scraped away for the chippy look.

I added a ceramic knob I had in my stash

This piece went to a local shop!

Linking up with:


  1. Your little table turned out really pretty. I love MMS tricycle red!

  2. The piece turned out great! I love the tricycle red!!

  3. Darrielle,
    Thank you for sharing this cute makeover at my party (LOVE the red). You will be featured at my party on Monday...please feel free to grab my starfish featured button for your blog.


  4. That is beautiful! What great wood grain in the top!
