Saturday, September 26, 2015

I am here!

I wanted you all to know I am alive and well, but having MAJOR computer issues and I have lost most of my photos!  I took a few days off from posting after my long weekend of vintages shows, and when I went to write a blog post I found that my computer is acting up.  I hope to get it fixed this weekend and start posting again!  "See" you all soon! 


  1. Oh no, I sure feel your pain on this one! Hope you're up and running again soon.

  2. DD, I am so sorry...hope you can find a way to retrieve them. Gorgeous flowers!

  3. Oh no I hope you were able to fix the problem!!

  4. Oh no sorry about the computer stuff. Hope you get it fixed soon.
    Have a good week end.

  5. I had a computer die once and took all my photos that I had not backed up (about 2000) and about 40 poems I had not backed up. Now I have several flashed drives, 3 external hard drives and try to back up regularly on more than one thing, just in case. External hard drives can also go bad! Which reminds me, I have new photos to back up!

  6. This post scares me Darielle. My laptop has been acting up all week too and my biggest fear is that I loose everything. Thanks for inspiring me to run a back up TODAY just in case. Hope you're up and running again soon!

  7. I was beginning to wonder what happened to you! I had a computer melt down last year and thought all of my photos were lost, but my brother-in-law was able to remove the drive from my bad computer, install it into an external drive and save them all for me. Phew!

  8. I hate that about your photos....that is a total bummer! Hope you are able to get back to it soon! Miss seeing your beautiful home and projects! Hugs!!
